Silver Chair, Polygamy, and Mount Sinai

As I wish all of you, Beautiful People, a joyful holiday, full of fun, I encourage you to support dear Esme, a great blogger and a tireless worker for the community at large, in her Senior Salon linkup All you have to do is click!


Rabbi Gershom ben Yehuda, widely known as Rabbeinu (our teacher) Gershom, lived in 10th century. He can’t really be called a Renaissance man, since he pre-dated Renaissance by a couple of centuries, so let’s call him a pre-Renaissance man. Like some other medieval Jewish scholars, he was also a scientist, a mathematician, a physician, and as a profession, he created highly artistic, unique jewelry. Rabbeinu Gershom was married to a wonderful lady called Devorah, but, to their sorrow, they had no children. After years of trying (and not getting any younger!), Devorah suggested that her husband take a second wife. He did. They had a son, if you want to know, but it bears no relevance to our story.

At some point in his eventful and adventurous life, Rabbeinu Gershom finds himself in Constantinopol where he sets up a gold and silversmith shop. All goes well until the little princess…

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10 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh I enjoy your stories so much! While reading this post, my husband glances over asking ” What is that!?!?” I share it with him, to which he says ” Yes! I knew it looked DELICIOUS!” LOL. And it does!


    1. Oh you are too sweet!


  2. Renard Moreau says:

    🙂 It is nice to see that you are still blogging. I thought that you abandoned this blog of yours.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh no! And I thought the same of you, since I am not getting notifications of your posts any more for some reason. Great to hear from you, Renard!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Renard Moreau says:

        🙂 The reason why you no longer get any notifications is because I deleted my blog on Blogger.

        I started a new blog on WordPress in June of this year (Click on my name and you will be forwarded to my current blog’s homepage).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Got it, popped over, and will follow, of course!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, dear Laura, for including me in this fabulous line up and giving me such a lovely introduction! I am blushing all over the internet…


    1. Thank you so much for pingback, dear Laura!


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