Light the Bonfire of Love with Chocolate Logs!

As I am repeating this post from last year, I wish a very happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, even though some of us only get tom see out children and grandchildren on the screen this year. I also want to note that the holiday of Lag b’Omer this year comes two days after the Mother’s Day, rather than a week as it was last year (the quirks of Jewish calendar).


Happy Mother’s Day, Beautiful People! Our sages said, “Who is wise? One who learns from every person” (Ethics of Our Fathers, 4:1). The first person in our lives we have a chance to learn from is MOTHER. From her we learn kindness, caring, and most importantly, unconditional love. Sometimes, it’s not a biological mother who does the mothering in one’s life, as proven by a phone call I just received from my adopted son. Here is a musical tribute to all mothers by the great Itzhak Perlman and the renown cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot.

This year, Mother’s Day is followed, a week later, by a Jewish holiday Lag b’Omer. It is one of the less known holidays, yet a very important one. We celebrate it by lighting bonfires in memory of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai who was called “Botzina Kadisha” (“The Sacred Lamp”) and whose teachings “illuminate the…

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14 Comments Add yours

  1. A deliciously fun recipe. Happy Mother’s Day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, dear Mimi, and the same to you!


  2. Sheryl says:

    Happy Mothers’ Day! The chocolate logs sound wonderful.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much, dear Sheryl, and the same to you!


      1. Thank you very much, darling!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My pleasure, followed you 💞💞

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hope that you had a blessed Mother’s Day. Those chocolate bars look shamelessly delicious. 😳👍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I did, darling, thank you! Chocolate logs are addictive, that’s true.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Chocolate is also medicinal.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It sure is! 😻


  4. Lulu: “Our Dada says, ‘Chocolate Logs? Where do I sign up?'”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tell him, Our Mama says, “Anywhere on my site.”
      Thank you, Lulu!
      The Cat Gang.


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