“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 4. Chocoodles.

It has been popularly reported that the Nazis ordered all Danish Jews to wear an identifying yellow star, as elsewhere in Nazi controlled territories. In some versions of the story, King Christian X opted to wear such a star himself and the Danish people followed his example, thus making the order unenforceable (Wikipedia). Here is…

Piano Kids and Chocolate Zoodle Muffins

Today’s Daily Word Prompt is PIANO. In one sentence or less, my son brought the kids on Sunday, we made chocolate zoodle muffins, and then they played piano. Just as accurately, you can summarize Romeo and Juliet: in one sentence or less, they fell in love, their families were against it, then they took poison…

“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 4. Chocoodles.

This might be a difficult concept to understand, but love is an obligation, a duty. This is contrary to the image created by popular culture, from Ancient Greeks and Romans, to Shakespeare, to romantic movies on Netflix. The mythical Amur, or Cupid, is a cute mischievous child armed with bow and arrows who blindly shoots…

“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 3. Toodles.

You’ve heard all kinds of jokes about Jewish Time. It is tacitly assumed that “standard Jewish time” is about thirty minutes later than regular time. For instance, if an invitation is issued for, say, three o’clock in the afternoon, it’s a good idea to clarify whether you are expected there on time or on standard…

“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 2. Soudles.

Fibonacci was never married. We don’t know for sure, and maybe he was, but I choose to believe the story of a perfect spiral. “Bellissima Donna, ” he pleaded,  – ” I love you and ask for your hand in marriage!” “But what is it you are holding, Signore? What did you bring me? It…

“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 1.

According to the Hebrew calendar, today is the holiday of love. The date is Tu b’Av (15th of the month of Av), which is a minor, yet the most mysterious of all Jewish holidays. There are no special observances, other than certain sad portions omitted from the prayer service, although in modern Israel it is…