Joyous, No Matter What, and Shabbat Shalom from a Friend

First, a strongly motivational message from Marc Gellman. 03/21/2024 A Shabbat Message: SOMETIMES OUR LIFE FEELS LIKE “GORNISHT” (strong sense of nothing) . . .    . . . giving the kids breakfast, sending them off to school, and we leave for work. In the evening, having dinner, watching TV, going to sleep, and starting…

Puffkin Surprise and Shabbat Shalom from a Friend

First, an important message from Marc Gellman to all of us in the blogosphere who can’t wait to click that button and have our work posted. WHY CREATE NISHTICK 03/14/2024 A Shabbat Message: WHY CREATE “NISHTICK” (worthless trash) . . . . . . and make yourself appear to be a “Lepish” (awkward and stupid)….

MONSTER ChoCo Squares

We don’t do Halloween, but we have our own monsters. One of them is world famous. You see his heavy footprints throughout the world literature and arts, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to The X- Files.  You hear his eerie voice in Karel Capek’s R.U.R., where the word “robot” comes from, in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, recognizable as Gollum, and in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s The…

Very Berry Fireworks (new edition)

When I was still running the school, every summer in camp I conducted weekly International Food events. In reality, those were thinly disguised group therapy / team building sessions, but kids enjoyed themselves playing with food (I did mostly desserts!), in the process learning appropriate interactive social skills. Eventually they got to take some goodies…

MONSTER ChoCo Squares

We don’t do Halloween, but we have our own monsters. One of them is world famous. You see his heavy footprints throughout the world literature and arts, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to The X- Files.  You hear his eerie voice in Karel Capek’s R.U.R., where the word “robot” comes from, in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, recognizable as Gollum, and in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s The…

Light the Bonfire of Love with Chocolate Logs!

Happy Mother’s Day, Beautiful People! Our sages said, “Who is wise? One who learns from every person” (Ethics of Our Fathers, 4:1). The first person in our lives we have a chance to learn from is MOTHER. From her we learn kindness, caring, and most importantly, unconditional love. Sometimes, it’s not a biological mother who does…

More Traveling Food, but No Adventure

The great adventure has been postponed. We are literally “sitting by the sea” (the ocean, in our case) “and waiting for the weather” (that’s an Odessa saying). So far only one of you, Beautiful People, has figured out my disappearing act. Well done, dear Carol of Retired? No one told me! One more beautiful and…

Double Chocolate Avocado Mousse

It’s all Carol’s fault – she made me do it! Lovely Carol of Retired? No one told me! She reminds us about the National Mousse Day and then makes an excellent point about all these “national” food days. You have to read her post to get the brunt of her argument: National Mousse Day…Yet another…

MONSTER ChoCo Squares

We don’t do Halloween, but we have our own monsters. One of them is world famous. You see his heavy footprints throughout the world literature and arts, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to The X- Files.  You hear his eerie voice in Karel Capek’s R.U.R., where the word “robot” comes from, in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, recognizable as Gollum, and in Isaac Bashevis Singer’s The…

“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 4. Chocoodles.

It has been popularly reported that the Nazis ordered all Danish Jews to wear an identifying yellow star, as elsewhere in Nazi controlled territories. In some versions of the story, King Christian X opted to wear such a star himself and the Danish people followed his example, thus making the order unenforceable (Wikipedia). Here is…