It All Started in Kyiv: Rassol’nik – Sour Barley Soup

I’ve heard that today was National Pickles Day, and since at the eleventh hour – literally! – I couldn’t come up with a new post, I am repeating the one about a soup made with pickles. I hope this counts! This is the most sobering experience you’ve ever had, and I mean literally. Rassol means brine, the…

Dracula and Klyotzki Dumplings (reiteration)

It looks like my Monster Squares were not scary enough for you, Beautiful People. Let me introduce you to some truly terrible real monsters who have become legendary. Count Dracula really existed. He was born in Transylvania in fifteenth century and ruled the province called Wallachia. His name was Vlad III, and his last name was Dracul,…

Autumnal Bounty in a Pumpkin Spinach Soup

First, Shabbar Shalom Message from a Friend: BEGEISTERN:  Inspire and to fill with enthusiasm. 10/19/2023 BEGEISTERN . . . . . . is the Yiddish word to inspire and to fill with enthusiasm. A word my bubbe would use to describe her intentions when I needed motivation to juggle a busy schedule. Nowadays, my busy…

My Grandmother’s Recipes: Part 5, Soup

My grandparents’ teenage romance continues in this chapter (click for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7). *This is not an error; I included the top of the next page in order to finish a paragraph and to leave you, Beautiful People, in suspense.  The synagogue story will continue next week. 11.  Mazel Tov – Congratulations (lit. Good Luck)…

The Legendary Breakfast Soup

Gaily bedight,A gallant knight,In sunshine and in shadow,Had journeyed long,Singing a song,In search of Eldorado. But he grew old—This knight so bold—And o’er his heart a shadowFell as he foundNo spot of groundThat looked like Eldorado. And, as his strengthFailed him at length,He met a pilgrim shadow—“Shadow,” said he,“Where can it be—This land of Eldorado?”…

Falstaff on a Diet: Chunky Soup for a Chunky Knight

Once again, our gracious host Renard has published my guest post. Yes, Beautiful People, I am happy to report that I am out of the wheelchair, I am walking around the house (with a walker), and I am cooking. Here is my humble contribution to Renard’s wonderfully informative blog:

Mushroom Barley Soup

We are not done with holidays yet, Beautiful People! On Sunday, we start Sukkos (Sukkot), the Holiday of Booths, that lasts for eight days and concludes the High Holidays. Throughout next week, I will be repeating some of my Sukkos recipes. Traditional Jewish comfort food, with history more ancient and undoubtedly more venerable than the…

My Grandmother’s Recipes: Part 5, Soup

My grandparents’ teenage romance continues in this chapter (click for Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7). *This is not an error; I included the top of the next page in order to finish a paragraph and to leave you, Beautiful People, in suspense.  The synagogue story will continue next week. 11.  Mazel Tov – Congratulations (lit. Good Luck)…

My Shavuos Menu

Contrary to all other Jewish holidays, when we prepare festive meals that include both fish and meat, signifying rejoicing in His benevolence that grants us abundance, traditional Shavuos table is laden with dairy dishes, from blintzes to cheesecakes, and anything milky delicious you can think of.  One of the reasons for this unique menu is explained in…