Say CHEESE for Shavuos!

Contrary to all other Jewish holidays, when we prepare festive meals that include both fish and meat, signifying rejoicing in His benevolence that grants us abundance, traditional Shavuos table is laden with dairy dishes, from blintzes to cheesecakes, and anything milky delicious you can think of.  One of the reasons for this unique menu is…

Say CHEESE for Shavuos!

Contrary to all other Jewish holidays, when we prepare festive meals that include both fish and meat, signifying rejoicing in His benevolence that grants us abundance, traditional Shavuos table is laden with dairy dishes, from blintzes to cheesecakes, and anything milky delicious you can think of.  One of the reasons for this unique menu is…

My Shavuos Menu

I am now taking you on a virtual tour of my Shavuos table. As I couldn’t – for obvious reasons! – take pictures of the actual table with food on it and guests around the table, I did the next best thing, rounding up collages of all five courses. Each dish is labeled and links…

Whole Wheat Blueberry Blintzes

I’ve been trying different recipes for healthier, no fat, low cholesterol, and – dare I say it? – non-dairy blintzes for quite some time, but somehow it wasn’t happening. None of them had that Shavuosdike tam – the taste of holiday.   Until suddenly, about two weeks before Yom Tov, my husband decided to stay…

Inspired by a Blogger Appetizer

New dishes make their way to my Shavuos table all the time, as long as they fit the criteria: dairy or pareve, the right colors (if it’s not the white and green combination, it should at least have some white or some green in it), and, of course, the taste. A while ago one of…

Original Appetizer

I have to tell you that I did not invent this name for it! Had I done that, I would’ve come up with something a bit more – ummm… – original.  But this is the name you find in the menus of all Russian restaurants (Original’naya Zakuska), and the reasons it has made its way…

Daikon Salad

I am on a deadline here: Shabbos starts in less than an hour, immediately followed by Shavuos. Since my whole motivation for starting this blog was to document and share my Shavuos recipes (please see my post Hello, Beautiful People!), I’ve been cooking up a storm all week. I also took a bunch of pictures…