“All You Need Is Love” – Zoodles, Part 2. Soudles.

Fibonacci was never married. We don’t know for sure, and maybe he was, but I choose to believe the story of a perfect spiral. “Bellissima Donna, ” he pleaded,  – ” I love you and ask for your hand in marriage!” “But what is it you are holding, Signore? What did you bring me? It…

Leonardo Was a Blog-aholic (Sweet Potato and Spinach Bisque)

No, not Leonardo di Caprio; the real Leonardo, born in the little Italian village Vinci, the Renaissance Man. Since Internet did not exist, and neither did the blogosphere, he wrote – a lot, and on a multitude of subjects, including food. Had he thought of inventing it, together with a bicycle and a helicopter, he…

An Award, a Tag, a Soup…

Beautiful and so creative Ruchi of https://ruchisvegkitchen.com/ has nominated me for a Blogger Recognition Award. I am awed and humbled by all these honors, and I thank you, dear Ruchi, for thinking of me! Here are the rules: Write a post to accept this nomination. Thank the person who nominated you and mention their blog link….